It’s been long, long time I’ve addicted to Chinese Rock’n Roll (I call myself the first generation of Chinese Rock’n Roll Fans), but my life has been directed to another way, Web 2.0, and it is going far far away from the R’N’R. Even though I still dream it (I even organized a band called The Red and gave a very amateur debut early this year.), I never thought the Web 2.0, my potential career and the rock music can be converged somehow.
Through Netanel Jacobsson, I found a name which made me exciting till now. It is Kaiser Kuo, China Bureau Chief for Red Herring, and his another title, the co-founder of China’s first heavy metal band – Tang Dynasty (唐朝) which is my HERO!! Netanel is going to introduce me to him, which give me another big reason to go to Beijing, a city I really wanted to stay 10 years ago simply bacause of its atmosphere of Rock‘n Roll.
Not just because I am big fan of Tang Dynasty, actually it is Kaiser, a rock star and a chief of Red Herring. It means a lot to me. Whatever you are doing right now, whatever you are dreaming of before, if you love it, then work hard for it, one day you will achieve it with no regret.
Beauteous white roses are blooming peacefully in the wizard's secret garden. Someone could hear the voice of blooming whilst someone might see the sequel of fading. http://www.the-various.com/